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Public Forums on Multi-Campus Hazard Mitigation Plan
CSCU is seeking public input on its Multi-Campus Hazard Mitigation Plan, developed to deal with natural disasters.
The Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) of the Board of Regents for Higher Education is seeking public input on its Multi-Campus Hazard Mitigation Plan at five public forums. CSCU has been in the process of developing this plan, as natural disasters may cause extensive property damage, loss of life, economic hardship and threats to campus safety and continuity of operations.
Members of the general public, CSCU faculty, staff and students are invited to attend one of public forums to gather information and provide feedback for the plan’s implementation. The Multi-Campus Hazard Mitigation Plan includes CSCU’s four state Universities, 12 Community Colleges, Charter Oak State College and the CSCU System Office. The public forums are as follows:
Thursday, Feb. 4, 3 p.m., Eastern Connecticut State University, Student Center, Room 217, Willimantic
Friday, Feb. 5, 1 p.m. , Western Connecticut State University, Midtown Campus, White Hall, Room 127, Danbury
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2 p.m., Central Connecticut State University, East Hall, Conference Room 3, New Britain
Wednesday, Feb. 10, 4 p.m., Southern Connecticut State University, Adanti Student Center Theater, New Haven
Thursday, Feb. 11, 2 p.m., CSCU System Office, Regents Boardroom, 61 Woodland St., Hartford
A draft of the Multi-Campus Hazard Mitigation Plan is available at http://www.ct.edu/hmdr to view prior to the public forums. The purpose of the plan is to (1) assist campuses in identifying and reducing risks from natural hazards,(2) identify actions that can be taken to prevent damage to property and loss of life, and (3) prioritize funding for mitigation efforts.
The Multi-Campus Hazard Mitigation Plan is made possible through a grant from the Connecticut Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, and is funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.